Summer Skin Series: CLEANSE FACE

Today, let’s discuss what I consider to be the foundation of great skincare: CLEANSING!

All images by Cami Bradley

Welcome to the ‘Summer Skin Series!’

I want to walk you through the steps to truly GLOWING skin.

It doesn’t take much to get your skin to a really good place.

You know what it requires? Consistency. That’s it!

Now, let’s get started.

Remember, this is a series. I’ll be posting regularly on how to get glowing skin, utilizing supplements, health and wellness tricks, and of course H IS FOR LOVE.

Today, we’ll be discussing the two ways to cleanse skin. Both of these ways are necessary, and they compliment one another beautifully.

First, it’s important to note that skin doesn’t love the typical cleansing process. Let’s just say it can feel disruptive to the delicate pH balance and the protective barrier that is present in healthy skin. Because of this, our approach at H is to work with the natural purging process. We use a balanced and highly nourishing oil for cleansing.

Because oil attracts oil, RAPHA is the perfect nightly (and morning if desired) treatment to remove all oil-soluble debris.

Even if you don’t wear makeup, free radicals attach themselves to our skin cells during the day, then, while we sleep they do damage. This free radical damage leads to premature aging. Eek! Nobody wants that. That’s why it’s best to cleanse the day away. You can sleep peacefully knowing that RAPHA has removed the dirt, makeup, SPF-all of it- effortlessly. All of this while leaving your natural oils in place. This ensures skin stays balanced and doesn’t do an overcorrection of sorts, leading to breakouts and other issues.

Since skin needs both oil and water to be truly satisfied, it needs to be purged of both as well. RAPHA is our nightly oil cleanser. PROPOLIS is our 1-3x a week mask/exfoliant that purges the skin of all water-soluble debris. PROPOLIS is the product that allows all of your other products to work. It is so effective that it can pull the venom from a bite. That’s why we call it a ‘pulling’ or a purging mask.

Don’t be intimidated by the word mask. PROPOLIS is easy to use! Just mix a small amount with some water and slather it on your skin. Wait until it’s 3/4 dry and gently wipe away. You’ll be amazed at the results after just one use.

When used regularly, you will watch your skin begin to show the results of your diligent routine, and it will GLOW.

I want to keep this series brief, but I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the importance of internal wellness alongside excellent skincare habits.

Since this is a series we’re starting in Summer, I’ll mention that sun on your skin is a wonderful thing. We’ve been conditioned to think that the sun is dangerous.

The sun is something to respect. It is very powerful, but it’s also incredibly good for us, and we need it.

In the summer, I get real sun on my skin for 20 minutes a day. My skin rewards me with a healthy glow and I avoid makeup altogether during these warmer months.

Next, don’t forget water. I drink over 100 ounces of purified water a day, always. I encourage you to join me in this! It will help your body function optimally.

Lastly, move your body. Get your heart pumping and blood flowing every day. This too, is good for the skin.

Next up, NOURISH. Let’s discuss what to feed your skin to keep it satisfied and protected.

Bee Rose